Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cupcakes! Cupcakes! @ bites!

i can see you are jumping up and down already!! :P

Yes, cupcakes are coming to bites! and of course to all of us. Just wait and keep checking this blog. be the 1st to know and to taste our cupcakes..simply tastier,healthier!

its all about YOU.CUSTOMERS.


Lucky Day Couple 8-8-08 Set Menu

Lucky Day Menu (7 Aug-10Aug 2008)

Set 1 (For HOT COUPLE!)
2x Mini Wild Mushroom Soup
1x Grilled Salmon with Potato Rosti
1x Grilled Chicken Black Pepper
1x Tiramisu
2x Coffee/Tea/Juice
1x Lucky Gift

2x Mini Wild Mushroom Soup
1x Chicken Lasagna
1x Fish and Chips
1x Bread Butter Pudding with Choc Sauce
2x Coffee/Tea/Juice
1x Lucky Gift

2x Mini Wild Mushroom Soup
1x Spaghetti Marinara
1x Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken
1x Creme Brulee2x Coffee/Tea/Juice
1x Lucky Gift

Each Lucky 8-8-08 Set Menu is @ RM 50 net (for a couple)
reserve NOW!

bites! snippets..

let me share what bites! is all about..thus far..
bites! is known for good food (above market average) and affordable price (if you compare taste:taste basis). we've researched and we entered..and..
the 1st - 4th days were jam packed and we went panicked (honestly! can't you see that we were sweating?? not swearing!!).
some of the comments we've received:
"at bites! you get what you paid for.."
"i love the chicken lasagna, cheaper but tastier!"
"something different for damansara perdana neighbourhood.."
"the grilled chicken strips are so tasty!!"
"this saute potato is the best ever tasted.."
really, these are real comments.

on the other hand, we also got this type:
"food is good, but i cant enjoy them daily.."
"limited food offerings..try la some rice dishes.."
"food is damn too expensive!!" (shouted perhaps.. :))
and many more behind closed doors..

to bites!, these are all valid comments. customers are always right. ALWAYS!!
and because of that, we will stick to tastier, healthier! values because this is what bites! reason of provide customers with tastier, healthier! meals..we want to take care of you and we genuinely care.

the price is a little high simply because the supplies are high too. we all aware of the rising costs and bites! happen to be in the situation..but again, we care of our customers. but..we've evolved..little by little..after hours of discussion and bang table, we've decided that our customers are always right. the tribe has spoken!

bites! is coming up with a better menu. still tastier, healthier! (these are our values), but more affordable. in short, bites! is listening to you..closely.

bites! is moving to the next level..serving the customers wants and needs. especially Damansara Perdana neighbourhood. we want you to come to us so often until we know your name by heart. wouldnt you want to be call by your name Mr Ee?

The new menu showcasing more local snacks (RM 3+ with drink), more noodles (original recipe and extra value for your money), rice dishes and also our current offerings. Current offerings prices also will be slashed like xx% (note the double digit!), so you can enjoy bites! often. you can also lepak here during tea time, because the new menu is about you.

so, lets wait for bites! new menu in the next few days. its all about YOU. customers.

NEW MENU @ bites! yay!

bites! is coming up with a new menu and a new promotions. which, will give extra values to our customers..we will keep the tasty and healthy that way, but we will make it "creatively" so you still get to enjoy better food (and get better health) and save more!!

not forgetting, we will be introducing few noodle dishes. jeng! jeng! jeng!! and it comes in a set with a drink, only RM 10+!! yay! yay!
and also rice dishes at RM 10+ with a drink!! check out the rice and noodle soon.

we've received comments that our pricing is steep and we've accepted it freely. well, we got your message loud and clear! :) new menu is coming soon!! PROMISE! PROMISE!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

GELATO SALE!! Visit bites! soon

hi fans!

bites! is giving away 50% OFF on ALL GELATO!!

look on the left of this page and you will see a 50% OFF GELATO COUPON. it should be on the TOP by right. else keep scroling.

what you can do?

1. Download the 50% coupon

2. Print it (color or black&white doesnt matter)

3. Print as many as you want (please don't sell it!)

4. visit bites! @ damansara perdana (look for bites! Location Map-below Gelato Promo)

5. Show the 50% coupon and ORDER your GELATO (many flavors)

6. Sit down and enjoy your gelato. (no other purchase required; serious!)

7. Settle the bill with 50% discount.

8. Come back again tomorrow! ;)

9. Repeat Step 1 - 8 until 20 August 2008

10. Gelato is nice to go with coffee. yumm!!

that's all. start downloading and visit bites! soon.


03 7726 6528 / 012 695 3164

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


1. Plunge the pasta (spaghetti, fettucine, linguine, spaghetinni etc) into a large quantity of boiling water - 2 litres (9 cups) per 250g pasta.

2. Add 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 litre water (unless any additional ingredients are to be highly seasoned)

3. Gently stir the pasta so it doesnt stick together.

4. Keep the water boiling at a constant rate.

5. Drain the water when the pasta is cooked (al-dente; you would see white color in the middle of the pasta).

6. Season immediately.

7. If pasta is not to be used immediately, drain in and keep it hot mixed 1 tablespoon of oil (olive or cooking oil - so it doesnt stick together)

8. When ready to use next time, plunge it into boiling water (to heat), drain and add other ingredients.

9. enjoy your pasta!!

*source: Larousse Gastronomique
picture shown: Fettucine

additional info on pasta sauce/companions:

1. marinara - seafood and tomato sauce

2. alfredo - grilled chicken and cream + lemon zest

3. aglio olio - garlic, chilli flakes and olive oil

*add prawns (dont take out the shell) or chicken.

else come to bites! and enjoy ours. ;)

Happy Trying! GoOatspeed!

03 7726 6528 / 012 695 3164


Heard of "ARE YOU THE LASAGNA KAKI?" campaign? refer to few postings before this.

this campaign is to "dare" (how could bites!?) our customers to try our infamouse Chicken Lasagna. in short...bites! Chicken Lasagna is more substance than form..

ever heard of KISS - keep it simple and sweer? that's our Chicken Lasagna!!

bites! still debating whether to publish the recipe or not, but we'll see how.. ;)

visit bites! soon and witness then savour our Chicken Lasagna.

quickly comment while our KISS Chicken Lasagna doing its work inside you. then you may end up winning one of the bites! signature aromatheraphy hand cream (limited stocks only).

visit bites! soon. enter the Chicken Lasagna comment contest.


03 7726 6528 / 012 695 3164

bites! is more than bites


bites! is a cafe/restaurant for everyone. why bites! says so? simply @ bites! our customers get to enjoy tastier,healthier! meals on daily basis..

our menu is simple (because we want it simple) and tasty. ok, what else other than food?

@ bites you also get to see some beautiful paintings (painted by real artists)! we are going to bring more collections very soon. and the best part that these paintings are also for sale!!

if you are an arts collector, you would find these paintings (and the coming soon arts) are irresistable.

yes, some people call it Art Cafe. it may sound pompous so prefer to call it bites!, a place where everyone that appreciates good food (at an affordable price) and also great eye soothing paintings. what a great place to want to be seen @ bites!

visit bites! soon to witness. and be the one to witness it!! :)

bites! serves tastier,healthier meals daily.

9am-10pm (including saturday-sunday)

03 7726 6528 / 012 695 3164

*the painting with this post is available @ bites!. visit us soon. no entrance fee! :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Enter "ARE YOU THE LASAGNA KAKI?" and WIN bites! signature hand cream. Dare you to try our Chicken Lasagna.

Chicken Lasagna is one of our signature dishes. we've received customers that hear from someone somewhere to get the better Chicken Lasagna @ bites!

she came and said "can i have your Chicken Lasagna please?", our colleague nodded. then she said "take away please..". we went puzzled. because our lasagna has been moulded into the serving plate and baked fresh when needed. we make our Chicken Lasagna every 2day-3days.

our colleague went to the customer, "the lasagna is moulded and if i were to take it out, it will break and look ugly". she replied, "who cares? i just want that Chicken Lasagna, no matter what!!". she smiled!! we were delighted because we've made her life tastier,healthier that day!

so dont wait!! try our Chicken Lasagna Set @ RM 30 only (come with Gelato/Home made Mushroom Soup + a drink) visit bites! today and enter this simple contest.

the cream just a small token for you to take away (if you win), need not worry. but the Chicken Lasagna will make your day....

*p/s: our customers sometimes call our chef and said, i'll come again for the good!! (based on true story..)

03 7726 6528 / 012 695 3164


bites! "pelik tapi benar" promo comes again! FREE RICE! FREE RICE!
this time we've new local dishes and we make it work for you. we know you want it. :)
the new dishes:

a) Grilled Chicken Black Pepper
b) Grilled Fish in Spicy Tomato Sauce
c) Chicken Curry Potatoes

with rising cost of living and food, bites! still want you to enjoy good life and good health. visit bites! soon to enjoy the set meals. what's more? there is more!!
All set meals come with a drink, choice of coffee/tea.
To make it even sweeter, just ADD RM 3 for a scoop of GELATOOOOO!!! (NP: RM 6.90).
thats how sweet and "pelik tapi benar" bites! promo is.

visit bites! soon with anyone.
03 7726 6528 / 012 695 3164

*set meals also available for take away. why not??

this is LIFE..

it would take your mind off, would sweep off your feet and would take your breath away..

enjoy it with bites! home made oatmeals raisins cookies and you will realize there is more to life..

pamper yourself and we assure you would live a tastier,healthier! life..@ bites!
coffee featured is illy coffee beans

bites! merchandise


visit bites! and purchase either the signature blend hand cream or perfume essential oil for only RM 10 per unit. limited stocks and while stock last!!

specially made for bites!! and you dont want to miss it!

reserve these items? call 012 695 3164 or email:

cafe bites! Location Map

telling you how to get to the place that saves your wallet and health! perfect combination? you be the judge!

tastier,healthier! meals ALWAYS @ bites!

Ground Floor G-12, PERDANA THE PLACE,

Jalan PJU 8/5G, Bandar Damansara Perdana,

47820 Petaling Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan


03 7726 6528 / 012 695 3164

Monday, July 21, 2008

FACEs of bites!

we noticed that bites! attracts working class especially age 25-50 years old. these people have high taste and concern of their health as well. that's why they choose bites! perhaps...

they are fun to be with, they are liberal yet organized..they enjoy a good balance of life and fun..
they basically live life the way it should is more than just work and work and work...have some fun!! :)


Proof of FRESHNESS @ bites!

Hi, we believe tastier,healthier! meals daily will make us we can do more things with that blessings.

Perhaps, many of you have eaten Salmon fish in many cooking types. Am not going to dwell into that. Each cooking type represents unique statement of the chef or the restaurant or the culture etc..

But have you ever seen the whole fish? Yes, whole salmon fish?

At bites! we buy the whole fish and do the works in our its real fish (definitely frozen as it's Norwegian Salmon).

we assure you the freshness of our meals. see attached!




guess what?? we've just realized that our pastas especially these 3 are SO DAMN GOOD!!:

a) Chicken Lasagna - 5/5

b) Spaghetti Marinara - 5/5

c) Fettucine Alfredo - 4/5

swimming in tomato sauce or lemon zest creamy sauce? whichever you choose, you will be delighted! if you bring a client/business partners/loved ones who love pastas..and you want something to compliment or complete the entire deal you've been making..come to bites! and choose the above...

i can assure you that you wont be dissappointed..quality and economy assured!


*picture shown is Spaghetti Marinara



NEW MENU again...yes we love to give our customers new offerings so you'll come back again for more.. ;)

this time breakfast menu. we added 2 new menus. currently only oats and muesli are the most popular, now we've added another 2.

a) Wholemeal bun, toasted and glazed with honey. come with 2 half boiled eggs..RM 6.60+

b) Wholemeal sandwich and home made chips (russet potato) and 2 half boiled eggs..RM 6.60+

additional just RM 2 for coffee (100% arabica), tea or juices (pink guava,lime,orange and mango). yes only RM 2 for juices, who can give you that kind of deal?? :))

see attached for the brochure and further information.

reserve your breakfast at or you can call 03 7726 6528 /012 695 3164


Bread Butter Pudding in Choc Sauce!!

enough said....the chocolate smell alone kills all the germs! hahaha

served with a scoop of vanilla gelato..superb after meals..coupled with a cuppa long black or cappucino (if you fancy the milk froth..)....

and..........finally....almost everyone's fav, the curry chicken...when we did the food tasting yesterday, this dish got special attention (like anak emas!). "colek" with roti and eat the tatos..the chicken too.,its not like mamak curry to be truthful,its just different and tasty..thats how i feel. we also would like you to tell us, whether is this the taste you want for a curry chicken with rice.served with butter sauteed broccoli and snowpeas....a winner for me!

the 2nd dish, monster black pepper!! the chicken is grilled (not fried) and later few minutes in oven till cook. please also it was also marinated with black pepper before being sent to the grill. pow!pow! black pepper..we can mild it if you want, there was a customer today who likes black pepper but cant take the pepperish"ness". so we mild it.

to suit local taste,we tuned it to local flavors..come and try. served with bell peppers (green and red) and butter sauteed broccoli and cauliflower. yum!yum!

sorry,here THE REAL PICS

sory,little did i know it turned out to be blurred! ;P

attached the original photos taken yesterday..
this is the grilled dory fish in spicy tomato sauce. wrapped in aluminium foil and later baked to mix well. served with pak choy! and cute cherry tomato..RM 11.90+ only..


these menus are available starting 21 July 2008 (Monday).

MUST TRY! starts from RM 11.90+ PLUS a drink.


NEW MENUs starting 21 July 2008


due to high demand from people around damansara perdana, bites! will be serving 3 new local dishes. these 3 dishes are very popular among locals though you may not usually get them from mamak stalls or kopitiams! yes, very special.

a) Grilled Black Pepper chicken
b) Grilled Dory in Spicy Tomato Sauce
c) Chicken Curry and Potato

yummy? wait till you see the pictures. i'll try to post them soon and lure you all! haha! ;)

more when u come to see the real thing..price starts from RM 11.90+ plus a drink.


cafe bites! LAUNCHED on 10 July 2008

guess what? all hard work ended (the 1st phase)! huhuhuh! we spent almost 6 months ups and downs to coming up with the concept and equipments, suppliers, recipes, partners etc...

we successfully launched it on 10 July 2008 (Thursday).

on the 1st day we were packed and brain jammed as it was our 1st day on real operation. :)

that night we celebrated (hi fives!) with all our employees. the next morning we discussed our improvement plan. how to make food delivery faster, service faster, processes and systems. gladly the 2nd day was hectic too but this time more organized.

continue next post! :)

do come around! cafe bites! is located @ damansara perdana. bites! caters breakfast, lunch and dinner. we also supply foods for events/meetings and the like. one thing to remember about bites! is we serve tastier,healthier! meals..DAILY.


03 7726 6528/ 012 695 3164